I’ve been having a great time working for New Scientist for the last few months. Here’s what I’ve been writing and coding for them, from newest to oldest:
Black hole feasting may help crack four cosmic puzzles: the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way is guzzling an enormous gas cloud.
High-energy cosmos is violent with hint of dark matter: a new high-energy gamma-ray map of the sky tells us more about the most extreme events in the universe.
Obese black holes outshone stars in earliest galaxies: black holes millions of times more massive than the sun may have formed incredibly fast and violently in the early universe.
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic: wrote about this in my last entry.

String theory may limit space brain threat: seriously!
Atomic weights revision changes periodic table: your chemistry teacher lied to you.
Lifelogger reveals the day’s emotional highs and lows: what was the most intense experience you had today?
Hints of lightweight dark matter get even stronger, and the shorter version from the magazine: the hunt for cold dark matter heats up.
Water worlds bring us closer to finding Earth’s twin, and the related story, First neighbouring planets that are both life-friendly: three new potentially-habitable exoplanets discovered by the Kepler satellite.
Faint flashes reveal moment a black hole is born: an “un-nova,” rather than a supernova, might be the birth cry of a new black hole.
NASA’s next exoplanet hunter to launch in 2017: a robot named TESS will search the whole sky for a place like home (now that I think of it, this sounds like a Pixar movie).
Little ripples make syrup stringy: unlocking the secrets of honey.
Cosmic ripples come into focus: wrote about this on here back in March.
I’ll post new stories on this blog as they come out in New Scientist. For now, enjoy the back catalog!
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